A very unconventional wizard for D&D

Описание к видео A very unconventional wizard for D&D

I've already made multiple shorts about my beloved 'Wizard' SnugSnug, so I thought he deserved a 'longer' form vid as well - enjoy!
Music from Epidemic Sound

I've been informed that it's beneficial to use keywords in video descriptions, but I have no idea what to put in here, so I stole these tags from DnDShorts who stole them from MonkeyDM.TIER LIST How to play Dungeons and Dragons Beginners Guide What class to play in dungeons and dragons best class in D&D best subclass most powerful optimised monk build DandD Warlock Bard Dungeon Master, Fighter, Ranger, Artificer, Cleric, Barbarian, Wizard, Sorcerer, Monk, Paladin, Rogue, DnD Shorts D&D Shorts TikTok Dungeons and Dragons potentially a bit a with dungeoneering tabletop community next to tabletop RPG dungeons and dragons tt 5th edition dragons 3.5e DM GM dungeon master game master tips dnd shorts D&D alternatives


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