Advanced Cavalry No hit - Rubicon's Inferno

Описание к видео Advanced Cavalry No hit - Rubicon's Inferno

An upgrade to the Heavy Cavalry, the Advanced Cavalry(AC). I tried my best to fight this at the Spaceport mission, but felt it wasn't fair considering the ally can easily chunk and solo the AC on their own, thus eliminating the full fight. The 1v1 in the Analysis arena shows the full fight and you're very limited on space, making it a very tough to navigate fight.

While the AC has no differences in attacks to the HC, it comes packed with two or three repair kits, a pulse armor that regenerates every 15 seconds or so and the ability to use the repair kits as well as get back it's pulse armor while staggered.

At first glance, not having new attacks might seem pretty "Meh", but to begin with, the HC's attacks are NOT easy to dodge. This thing's tracking is better than IBIS/CEL240 and can easily end any attempt to not take damage to it. Part of the reason why the HC never really stood out as an enemy, was due to how easy it is to stagger one and the overall low AP/DEF it has.

Well, by giving it repair kits and a pulse armor that comes back every fixed 15 seconds, this thing stands out as a very brutal enemy and can easily overwhelm you with it's sheer ability to track the player, dodge attacks as well as just outright block them with it's infinite use shield.

All of this, means that the AC is an actual dps check and a very brutal one - running this as a kite, I ran out of ammunition multiple times due to the shield blocking most of the damage / ACS build up, by the time I got somewhere, the pulse armor already came up and I had to admit defeat and run a build with melee. Even then, melee was so difficult as I'm down a weapon slot entirely.

The solution to this was just to find a pair of weapons that can burst stagger within that 15 second window, break the pulse armor, bait the AC to swing, stagger, melee, get out as soon as possible and repeat until I succeeded. I tried every single available combination and had to give in to using bazookas, but of course, being stanced means I'd instantly lose a run, so I had to decide between lamm legs or wheelchair, lamm won simply because I can pick the boosters, otherwise the tank was much better at navigating the bubbles.


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