London Buses-The Scrapping of RM 1035, Barnsley October 1985

Описание к видео London Buses-The Scrapping of RM 1035, Barnsley October 1985

A brutalistic video now, taken back in October 1985. What happened to a lot of London Transport's Routemasters? They ended their days in the scrap yards along Wheatshaws Lane, Barnsley, that's what!. There were several yards there that took various amounts of Routemasters, RM, RMA & RCL's, and broke them up. Some parts were returned to LT but mostly they were smashed to pieces by a giant grab crane. Unlike the DMS buses that had been broken before them the Routemasters proved harder to dismantle, the first time the grab smashed into the roof of one and gripped it to pull it apart all it did was pick the bus up! After that they had to cut through the tops of all the windows on the upper deck in order to rip the roof apart. And even then it took some time to dismantle these well built vehicles as the video shows. The best part of 1000 Routemasters met their fate here and future uploads will show other scenes around the place taken on the three trips i made there over the winter of 1985/86. So sit back, grab a tissue and watch in morbid fascination.......If you liked the video please subscribe to my channel, there are lots more transport & quirky vids to upload!


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