Japan – Kansai Hiroshima Pass Limitations

Описание к видео Japan – Kansai Hiroshima Pass Limitations

A detail explanation on what actually the JR Kansai Hiroshima Pass covered.
Key Highlights – 1. Sanyo Shinkansen Only, 2. When to reserve seat on limited express train?, 3. Which bus stop for each Kyoto attractions? 4. Hiroshima FREE bus. 5. Miyajima ferry that bring you closer to the Great Torii Gate. 6. Many themed trains to take. 7. It is worth it when traveling to Hiroshima.

✅ Get Your Pass 👇
JR Kansai Hiroshima Pass - https://www.westjr.co.jp/global/en/ti...
[Klook] Kansai Hiroshima Pass - https://bit.ly/4bNh3xc

JR Kansai Hiroshima Pass - https://www.westjr.co.jp/global/en/ti...
Kansai Airport Express Haruka -https://www.westjr.co.jp/global/en/tr...
Hello Kitty Shinkansen - https://www.jr-hellokittyshinkansen.j...
Wakayama Electric Railway Line - https://wakayama-dentetsu.co.jp/en/
Kyoto Tango Railway Line - https://travel.willer.co.jp/train/tan...
West JR Bus Lines - https://www.nishinihonjrbus.co.jp/en/
Chugoku Bus Line - https://www.chugoku-jrbus.co.jp.e.aec...
Luggage Size Limit - https://www.westjr.co.jp/global/en/ho...

🔴 Recommended Video to follow-up!
JR Kansai Area Pass Limitations -    • JR Kansai Area Pass Limitations  
JR Kansai WIDE Area Pass Limitations -    • Japan – Kansai Hiroshima Pass Limitat...  
JR Tokyo Wide Pass Limitations -    • JR Tokyo Wide Pass Limitations  
How to use Regional Pass to reserve seats & ticket – Step by Step Guide -    • How to use Regional Pass to reserve s...  
How to use JR Pass to reserve seats & ticket – Step by Step Guide -    • How to use JR Pass to reserve seats &...  

✅ Simplify Travel Merch 👇
Digital Guides - https://www.thesimplifytravel.com/sho...

✅ Japan Travel Pass 👇
Agent JR Pass - https://click.jrpass.com/SH8T
Agent Regional Pass - https://click.jrpass.com/SH8U

✅ Japan SIM Cards & Pocket WIFI 👇
NinjaWIFI Pocket WIFI (20% Discount) - https://ninjawifi.com?pr_vmaf=jwmFXQPtWt
(Note: NinjaWIFI discount is applied automatically when you click the above link)
SakuraMobile SIMcard - https://www.sakuramobile.jp/lp/?i=psim
SakuraMobile eSIM - https://www.sakuramobile.jp/lp/?i=esim
Mobal SIMcard (Short-Term) - https://www.mobal.com/japan-sim-card/...
Mobal eSIM - https://www.mobal.com/japan-wifi/?sou...

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Channel Blog : https://www.thesimplifytravel.com

00:00 JR Kansai Hiroshima Pass
00:50 Shinkansen Line
01:51 Limited Express Train
02:56 Unlimited Reservation
03:27 Kyoto Bus Line
04:03 Jakko Bus Line
04:27 Chugoku JR bus
05:03 Miyajima Ferry
05:53 Kyoto Tango Railway
07:42 Wakayama Electric Railway
09:47 JR Train Chart
10:04 Prices Comparison
10:47 Discount & Benefits

🎥 Sources:
Software : Illustrator & After Effects
Channel Blog : www.thesimplifytravel.com
Music : Youtube Studio Audio Library : In Eternity We'll Meet - Aakash Gandhi
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