Frenchie's Airway (BOAS) Surgery

Описание к видео Frenchie's Airway (BOAS) Surgery

Over the past few months, Boba has faced some health challenges. It all began with kennel cough, which weakened his immune system. While recovering, he suddenly experienced episodes of bloody diarrhea and vomiting, leading us to rush him to the hospital. After a two-night stay, Boba was diagnosed with gastroenteritis (HGE). Although he received medication, the vomiting persisted, prompting us to return to the vet. Further tests, including a chest X-ray and abdominal ultrasound, came back clear. The vet explained that Boba’s intermittent reflux and regurgitation were due to his airway, which led us to the decision of pursuing BOAS (Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome) surgery. Boba is currently recovering at home, and our utmost priority is to see him happy and healthy once again. We greatly appreciate your support and thank you for watching our videos.


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