Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne : Yosuga Ending

Описание к видео Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne : Yosuga Ending

Please watch this video on my blog instead

At first I wanted to make a rant... then a follow up .... then a guide... now I'll just upload the endings.

This is "The Yosuga Ending", some call it "The Chaos Ending" (of the 3 reasons, it IS the chaos one I guess)! No credit scroll, since there's nothing after it. I wanted to add the scene where you learn of Yosuga and the encounter with Thor, but I cut it out since it'd drive the video to over 10 minutes and I wanted to avoid that. Aside from the ending I left:
-the scene where you do get the question which determines if or not you do get the ending in the end or not.
-the scene where you find Chiaki in the last dungeon
-the final battle and the ending

To get this ending you need to:
-NOT use the lift to the bottom of the Labyrinth of Amala before entering the Final Dungeon
-When being in the Mantra HQ for the second time, answer YES to Chiaki when she asks you about Yosuga
-When you'll enter the Hall of Mirror, agree to what Chiaki tells you... if you disagree, you'll lock yourself out (I think)... if you agree, you got the ending!... well unless you do the same for the other reasons and unlock 2 or all 3 at once, then things will get complex!

What does this mean?
It means the new world is created and it's a world of ... fighting.... But we never get to see it and apparently, we didn't see Musubi either.... How disappointing!

I am uploading these videos because I can't find all the endings on YouTube in English. I know people should beat the game themselves, but ... 6 endings? And this game is all about morality and stuff... should people really be forced to play through the whole game 6 times? I bet they wouldn't be supportive of the choices they'd make throughout the game, half the playthroughs ...

Also, this Yosuga Ending... It's stupid... I'm sorry, it is! We never see Yosuga! And now I know how Shijima will look like too ugh

Still 1 ending left! Keep an eye out!


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