HOW WE MET | Our Facebook Love Story

Описание к видео HOW WE MET | Our Facebook Love Story

Andi and I met on Facebook... yes facebook..

...and people have been asking how exactly... how did I break the ice... what did I say? I didn’t know her personally but I had always found her very interesting and attractive, and she barely ever went out, which was a bummer because that's all I ever really did..... so I asked my friend Lucky who happened to be her cousin to introduce us. Instead, he went and told her "hey my friend GP has a crush on you, can I give him your number?" (way to be smooth bro)

Understandably Andi refused but she was polite enough to accept my fb friend request.

And once she did... I wasted no time. So here it is...the first thing I ever said to Andi on FB:

"GP (12/13/10 1:13am): You don't know me...but I figured getting this message from a complete stranger would probably be less creepy than whatever it is Luis must've told you .... I told him to be smooth ... but all that MMA training has apparently damaged his capacity for social finesse...


here's me taking the little flashy thingies those Men in Black guys use..... and erasing from your memory whatever it is Mr. Manzano said... (also erasing the very lame fact that I just referenced a geeky 1990's movie)
...we can start with "HI! I'm GP.”

(4 days later she answered)

Andi (12/17/10 11:46am): hahahahaha. hi. im andi."

From that moment on, we began this sorta cyber friendship. This creepy club owner dude, and the wholesome radio DJ and host...we had an instant connection... and continued this back and forth... intellectual sparring, chismisan, kwentuhan and finally in January she agreed to meet up with with me.

It was a Friday night. She said she’d be in Barcino’s having wine with her cousin Lesley... And I show up in a suit hahaha...trying to look all debonair and suave...only to be sweating balls in the heat of the Greenbelt 2 alfresco smoking area.... thankfully My powers of persuasion managed to pry these two ladies from their cozy stools in greenbelt and we headed to more familiar territory: Opus and then Republiq.... wherein between the sips of her red and the gulps of my vodka we kinda clicked... and .... amidst the flashing strobe... the earthshaking bass... Immersed in all the clubbing chaos…I knew. I just knew….

….I've been in one too many relationships in the past from the ex gf from hell to some really sweet women, good people who I may have been a bit of an asshole too, and I always asked myself… would there ever come a time when I would just know? You know…get that proverbial feeling in your gut that this chick is THE ONE….

Well on Oct 7, 2012.... I sealed the deal and that “proposal”… which is kinda cool considering this love affair really did begin on a social network. It appears that it is true… and you DO get that feeling…. Because well… I found her =) or maybe she found me….

whatever the case may be… this Perpetual Bachelor/Obnoxious Ad Guy/Clubowner from Neverland has met his match.

And I’ve never been happier in my life ❤ (until the Olivia was born. And then again last year when Amelia was too.) and now we are complete and I can’t think of a better way to spend Valentine’s Day than to spend a quiet evening with my girls. Big love from the Reyeses and happy hearts day to all of you! ❤"

Come say hello ❤️
YOUTUBE:    / andimanzano  
Email me for collaborations or anything —— [email protected]


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