Age of Empires 2 HD - Turbo Random Map - Hardest AI

Описание к видео Age of Empires 2 HD - Turbo Random Map - Hardest AI

Took me a while to get used to the turbo speed. Everything takes half the time, with the exception of creating villagers. Instead of the typical 6 villagers on food and 6 on wood like you would use in a normal game, you split them in groups of 3 instead. You still need 6 villagers to kill the boars, otherwise it will take too long to kill them and you'll probably lose villagers.

The AI loves to send archers and skirmishers once it reaches Feudal, so I start making my own skirmishers as soon as I advance. Apparently the AI doesn't attack if you have a decent army, so making skirmishers serves as deterrent.

I put my town centers and military buildings in control groups, just like you would group units, by using the CTRL key plus a number, but instead of using groups #4 and #5 like I used to, I started using groups #9 and #0, but since those keys are so far away, I rebinded them to SHIFT+ALT+Q and SHIFT+ALT+W to set them, and ALT+Q and ALT+W to select them. So this way I press ALT+Q to select my military buildings and ALT+W to select my town centers, which is much more confortable than using 9 and 0, while still keeping control groups 4 and 5 reserved for my units. You don't need to do this in Definitive Edition, since that game has dedicated hotkeys to select all buildings of a type.


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