Avatar The Last Air Bender Reaction - 2x2 The Cave of Two Lovers - First Time Watching

Описание к видео Avatar The Last Air Bender Reaction - 2x2 The Cave of Two Lovers - First Time Watching

#ATLA #avatarreaction #reaction #avatarthelastairbender

Hello everyone! Welcome back to our Avatar watch through! I (Caleb) have seen this show before and I absolutely love it. (Hannah) has not seen it yet so this will be her first time watching through this series. Please check out the previous episodes that we have reacted to already if you haven't yet. We will be posting a new reaction every Tuesday. Please subscribe to help support the channel. Please comment below and let us know what you think of this episode. No spoilers beyond this episode please. Thank you for watching!

Book 2 Earth: The Cave of Two Lovers (Episode 22, 2x2, S2E2, 202)


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