Dr. Claud Bugheni, MD - Medical School Graduation and Party

Описание к видео Dr. Claud Bugheni, MD - Medical School Graduation and Party

This has been a very purposeful journey and I am very grateful to my family, friends, mentors, and everyone who made this graduation a possibility. Remember that no matter how tough the obstacles present, continue to believe and pursue your dreams and one day they will come true.

"The key to success is empirically a true support system" - Claud Bugheni, MD

Hooding & Graduation for the Medical College of Georgia
At Bell Auditorium Augusta, Georgia, USA

The commencement speech was by the amazing ophthalmologist Dr. William E. Flanary aka Dr. Glaucomflecken

Shot and edited by 10:31 Productions, LLC Augusta, GA ‪@1031ProductionsLLC‬

Instrumental produced by DJ TuneSplizer ‪@Tunesplizer‬

No explanation produced by McCoy The Wild Ass Producer (McCoy TWAP) ‪@MeetMakoy‬

#medicalschoolgraduation #medicalschool #commencement


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