How to Train a Spooky and Unpredictable Horse, Part I

Описание к видео How to Train a Spooky and Unpredictable Horse, Part I

Hi, I’m Caroline Beste of the Tao of Horsemanship. This month’s Holistic Horse “Ask the Expert” Q&A is about developing a confident, brave horse, both on the ground and riding. This month’s viewer has inquired about her flighty horse and how typical desensitizing methods seemed harsh, making her horse more scared. She asked me about my holistic approach to training and what I recommended to help her horse trust more, feel safe and brave.

I demonstrate in this video how I will help a more unconfident horse develop trust, confidence and bravery. I do this without focusing on the scary object or environment or forcing the horse to acknowledge or work with the scary object. In the end, it’s not about the object or scary place. It’s about 3 key areas: 1) Trust, Love and Leadership: are you more important than the scary object (does the horse focus on you) and how the horse feels when they are with you – do they feel safe and comfortable.

My holistic approach focuses on understanding the "why" - why our horse spooks. Horses are skeptical by nature AND they are also hardwired to conserve their energy. This means that they do not run away from perceived danger, rather they freeze first so they can assess the possibility of a threat. This freezing lasts only a few seconds too so you have to pay close attention to notice that they don't just run off every time they are unsure. Horses are also curious by nature. If you horse is not curious, he is not brave. If your horse reacts to everything and/or reacts with extreme flight, they have learned this behavior. Meaning they have learned to react to situations and objects they are unfamiliar with. This is not normal behavior. I know this to be true because I’ve studied and worked with both wild horses and weanlings. Horses by nature are adaptable. They are also quiet, low key, which allows them to conserve their energy for real danger when they must take off into flight.

Here are the 3 written exercises, mindsets, necessary to achieving trust, confidence, bravery and safety with our horse. They are also explained in detail with the video. These exercises will help you achieve the level of trust your horse needs in order to feel safe with you.
- You need to become more important than what your horse is worried about – both in relationship and leadership.
- You don’t stop working with your horse until they achieve the 3 “R’s”: Responsiveness, Rhythm and Relaxation.
- Your horse is ready to investigate what they are worried about. This mean they don’t rush past it, blow through it, avoid it. They are relaxed and curious.

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