Lord of the Rings Lorien Leaf Brooch

Описание к видео Lord of the Rings Lorien Leaf Brooch

Check out this Cloisonne-Inspired Lorien Leaf Brooch.

Cloisonne is an ancient technique for decorating metal objects with colored material held in place or separated by metal strips or wire. For my attempt at the art, I decided to honor a request by one of you Skill Monkeys and make a Lorien Leaf Brooch from the fellowship of the ring. I am a big LOTR nerd and I loved the idea. That being said, my method is FAR from as delicate as the usual cloisonne, but, for a first attempt, I am SUPER HAPPY with the result. I hope you enjoy this skill!

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  / novaleathercompany  


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All sounds and stock footage are from Epidemicsound.com & Envato Elements


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