Unlocking Impact Capital: Trends and Opportunities in CDFI Note Programs

Описание к видео Unlocking Impact Capital: Trends and Opportunities in CDFI Note Programs

As of May 2023, there were 22 CDFIs with publicly disclosed rated and unrated note programs in the market, totaling over $811 million. Panelists from four different CDFIs will discuss challenges and opportunities and share case studies based on their experiences operating different types of note programs that cater across the investor and risk-return spectrum. The session will also leverage industry research to provide an updated review of rated and unrated CDFI note programs, examine investor characteristics and detail innovative ways CDFIs are attracting and retaining investors. Participants will have a chance to discuss and connect on these themes, as the panelists help guide CDFIs of all sizes to explore note programs as a complement to their existing capital strategies.

Opportunity Finance Network (OFN) hosted this session as part of its virtual CONNECT+ Forum on March 19, 2024.


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