Doctor Doom Combo (1080P)

Описание к видео Doctor Doom Combo (1080P)

Hi everyone (long time I didn’t uploaded any subliminal) today new combo about superheroes; here this is a Doctor Doom combo, probably my favorite supervillain of Marvel Universe.

Here’s the characteristics:
Develop a superhuman intelligence and a wide field of knowledge into all domains (become polymath basically)
Become a genius in all types of sciences (even if you were stronger on literary topics before using this subliminal)
Become an expert in robotics
Become an expert in computer science / Programming
Become an expert in physics, chemistry, armament technology etc.
Become an expert on physics theories like relativity, string theory, multiverse theory (Everett theory on its official name, Linde theory as well that goes a bit further than the previous one), Higgs boson etc.
Become a born leader (optional)
Get the nicknames of Doctor Doom (King boss, Doombot, infamous Iron man, Emperor etc.) (optional)
Become a really good strategist and calculate all your moves before doing them
Be able to manipulate people for your own sake (optional)
Master swordsman: skilled with any blade; master in hand-to hand combat as well.
Be able to create a lot of technologies similar to those of Doctor Doom in the reality (cyborgs, Servo-Guards, DoomBots, time machine, mimic abilities of other super-heroes etc. even the Cosmic Cube)
(optional) Become the monarch of a principality or small country similar to Latveria in the comics (after, it may not be named Latveria, I mean, if you want to call your country with another name then do so and don’t forget to send me an invitation to visit it if you want to)
(optional) get diplomatic immunity (= diplomatic passport and diplomatic suitcase) in your own country (+ the country you will rule if you chose the option)
Be able to use really powerful magic abilities (like the one of Doctor Doom; you will also be able like in the comics to do mind-downloading even if technically this will tap drastically in your energy reserves, if I would have mind-downloading I would use it only if this is my last option, you are able to come back to your original body only if you break the connection or if the host of your mind dies)
Extreme mind power and mental strength; be resistant to mind compulsion (like other users of mind compulsion) and mass manipulation.
Be able to summon, attract, even create an armor similar to the one of Doctor Doom (even the modules that aren’t natively on the armor)
Be able to avoid Doom mistakes (this means be able to put your ego besides when we propose you a better solution than what you did before; be able to talk of yourself at the third-person but know when to do so and when avoid it)
Get an honor code similar to Doctor Doom, (this is why I really like him, even when he could be cruel and let its opponents die, if he promised to help them for a task, he will save them; I find personally Doom honorable, he has still a certain form of humanity behind his titanium mask)
(If you chose the Latveria option) be able to manage your country and make it really utopic and self-sufficient
(If you chose the Latveria option and desire to) make follow the inhabitants of your country a personality cult about you (some people that aren’t dictators get a personality cult; we can say people like Bob Marley or Schwarzenegger has a personality cult in a sense if we think about it)
Built in booster

If you have any question about this subliminal feel free to ask (I know well Doctor Doom, the comics version of him especially so I included everything I knew and guessed about him, this is not said officially he has a personality cult but this is very likely with his personality; I still wait for a good adaptation of him on screen, I prefer his name in French language though because Doctor Fatalis sounds better to my ear, because there is fatal on his name and this is more styled in my opinion)

Stay safe, see you soon

Thank you to have read the whole description.


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