Pond Water Under Microscope: Fast Heartbeat Of Water Fleas And Fake Worms |Pond Life #1

Описание к видео Pond Water Under Microscope: Fast Heartbeat Of Water Fleas And Fake Worms |Pond Life #1

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Ponds are full of microscopic life! In this episode I will take you along and we will look at some interesting little pond creatures together. Especially the heartbeat of Daphnia is fascinating to observe. There are also other crustaceans to see, such as copepods and ostracods. And don't be fooled by the worm-like microorganism, it is not a worm but a ciliate, a so-called spirostomum - and this ciliate will surprise you with its hidden talent!

I used a trinocular compound light microscope🔬 (SWIFT Stellar1 Pro-T ) for this video.

If you have any questions, let me know in the comments!
Have a nice day! 🤓


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