XiiiSu Music - Elevate the Light (Epic Female Vocal)

Описание к видео XiiiSu Music - Elevate the Light (Epic Female Vocal)

• Playlist:    • XiiiSu Music - Chess (Epic Female Vocal)  

» » » 🎵 Lyrics 🎵 « « «

With the rising sun, I embrace the light,
Guided by hope, through day and night.
In every breath, I find delight,
Positivity's my power, burning bright.

In the darkest night, when stars fade away,
I still find a spark to light up my day.
Through stormy weather, I'll find my way,
With a positive mindset, I'm here to stay.

I choose to see the beauty in every dawn,
To dance through life with a smile, not a yawn.
With every challenge, I'll sing my song,
Positivity's melody keeps me strong.

When doubts arise, and fear takes hold,
I rise above with courage untold.
In setbacks, lessons to behold,
With optimism, my story's bold.

In the midst of chaos, I find my calm,
With every trial, I raise my palm.
For in every storm, there's a healing balm,
Positivity's embrace, my soothing psalm.

In the tapestry of life, amidst the fray,
I find my center, come what may.
With each challenge, I learn to sway,
Positivity's dance, guiding my way.

I'll greet each day with a heart full of cheer,
Knowing that positivity will always be near.
With every step forward, I'll persevere,
In the symphony of life, positivity's premiere.

This anthem of mine, a beacon of light,
Guiding me through the darkest night.
With positivity, I take flight,
Making each moment pure and bright.

» » » 📱 Socials 📱 « « «
✉️ Twitter: Coming Soon
📷 Instagram: Coming Soon
💠 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-de/arti...

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