vespa 244 dyno | POSCH RESIBOX | FMPboxTEST |

Описание к видео vespa 244 dyno | POSCH RESIBOX | FMPboxTEST |

very well handMADE in germany! optics 👌 what about the power? lets see 😜😎

thx2 jürgen posch to lend the box to me.
he is the only producer beside W1R and megadella who did provide a box for testing. all.others, did hide 😉

note: sc28 rod too lean for higher rev means topend power is a bit more / sthg is missing.its not that flat but a steeper

resibox sound with silencer 3:17

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DISCLAIMER: the information and statements in this video, are based on my personal approach, experience, observation and consideration. the statements DO NOT automatically mean, that any producer/brand/seller mentioned is not to be recommended in general and/or does have same potentials as maybe shown in this video. FMP is still just an amateur mechanic & on purose NOT sponsered by any producer/brand/shop ;)


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