YOU AND YOUR LEADERSHIP TEAM - Pt. 1 - Pastor Forbes (Sept 2, 2024.)

Описание к видео YOU AND YOUR LEADERSHIP TEAM - Pt. 1 - Pastor Forbes (Sept 2, 2024.)

The 5 statements written below, capture the essence, weight, culture and outcomes of leadership:
1. Everything falls and rises on the leader
2. Uneasy lies the head that bears the crown
3. The buck stops here - with the leader
4. Never put a novice in a leadership position
5. Woe unto that nation whose leader is a child

It is safe to safe from the above 5 statements that leadership is serious and impassionate business – both for the team leader, and the team they choose – or even build.
The presence or absence of good understanding & chemistry between both has awesome effects on their constituency – and everyone around.
So who is a leader, what is leadership, how does/should a leader choose their team?
What should be the qualitative characteristics of a leadership team?
We shall discuss and explore these – and more questions in this 3-part series, and trust to come out with a proper understanding and preferred practices for the best outcomes for a win-win for all.


"DISCOVERING TRUTH" is a weekly down-to-earth, practical biblical teaching on Gambian National Television (GRTS TV) by Pastor Forbes of ABIDING WORD MINISTRIES, popularly called "the nation's pastor".
The programme focuses on real-life issues affecting daily living, but with biblical precepts and principles for answers and solutions.
Airs from the West African country of The Gambia every Tuesday evening at 6:00pm GMT (UTC).


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