Does this $80 Mic Sound Like a Sennheiser 416?

Описание к видео Does this $80 Mic Sound Like a Sennheiser 416?

Thanks to user Jar over at the Microphone Assassin Discord Server, aka, the "Microphone Assassin Afterparty" we have a surprising comparison between the legendary Sennheiser 416 shotgun mic and the $80 BaiFei Li V10 microphone from Alibaba. This is cray cray.

BaiFei Li V10 and 414 Microphones

Microphone Assassin Nation Discord Server:
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Come chat about it.

The TMA Dieselpunk Mic Art Collection and T-shirts are here:

Now, remember, I'm recording in a fully-treated booth, recording through an Apollo and my usual stack of plug ins. Your results may vary.


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