How Do Bikers Unite Against Child Abuse and Empower Children? | Badd Bob | TEDxCincinnati

Описание к видео How Do Bikers Unite Against Child Abuse and Empower Children? | Badd Bob | TEDxCincinnati

BaddBob shares how B.A.C.A.(Bikers Against Child Abuse) empowers children to overcome the fear from being abused. The Bikers help them regain the childhood they deserve., FB: @ Bikers Against Child Abuse International Bikers Against Child Abuse (B.A.C.A.) is a worldwide motorcycle organization who works with children who have been abused. We help them gain the courage and self-esteem so they can go court and tell their story. More importantly, we help them understand it wasn't their fault and they are now part of a family of B.A.C.A. brothers and sisters who are their for them. They are not alone. We work in conjunction with the courts, children's agencies and other groups in the community to assure the child has the resources available to be successful. We currently operate in 47 States within the United States and in 17 countries around the world. BaddBob, the State Sgt. at Arms for the State of Florida. I have ridden with B.A.C.A. for over 10 years. I have had the joy and privilege to meet and work with hundreds of children. Like many Members and Supporters, I have also have gone to court with our B.A.C.A. children throughout the U.S. When a child needs help, we get on our bikes. We always say "One B.A.C.A.", because if a child needs to travel to another State to testify in court, local Chapters always step up to join and support that child. We will ride through the Gates of Hell and back for one of our children, because we know they have experienced things no child should ever have to experience. They are our Heroes and our inspiration. When they look up and smile at us, we know they are stepping in the right direction. Bikers Against Child Abuse (B.A.C.A.) is a worldwide motorcycle organization who works with children who have been abused. We help them gain the courage and self-esteem so they can go court and tell their story. More importantly, we help them understand it wasn't their fault and they are now part of a family of B.A.C.A. brothers and sisters who are their for them. They are not alone. We work in conjunction with the courts, children's agencies and other groups in the community to assure the child has the resources available to be successful. We currently operate in 47 States within the United States and in 17 countries around the world. I am BaddBob, the State Sgt. at Arms for the State of Florida. I have ridden with B.A.C.A. for over 10 years. I have had the joy and privilege to meet and work with hundreds of children. Like many Members and Supporters, I have also have gone to court with our B.A.C.A. children throughout the U.S. When a child needs help, we get on our bikes. We always say "One B.A.C.A.", because if a child needs to travel to another State to testify in court, local Chapters always step up to join and support that child. We will ride through the Gates of Hell and back for one of our children, because we know they have experienced things no child should ever have to experience. They are our Heroes and our inspiration. When they look up and smile at us, we know they are stepping in the right direction. You can find us at or on Facebook at Bikers Against Child Abuse International This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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