Super Mario Galaxy 2 #26 - Rolling Masterpiece Galaxy

Описание к видео Super Mario Galaxy 2 #26 - Rolling Masterpiece Galaxy

Star: Silver Chomp Grudge Match

My strategy here is too... bah, what strategy is there? Just don't fall off really.

I actually went and played SMG1 again to compare the controls on the Star Ball. They are very much the same. Either that or I'm way to used to it thanks to... a certain video...

I tried to collect a lot of the stuff here, but you gotta cut a line between collecting or moving. One thing I made sure to get was that '?' coin on the large orange section. Why? Because I haven't seen more than about two players unveil what it was. It contains Rainbow Notes! And a simple string at that.

Note: Something odd is happening to some of the Annotations on this video (text hanging off a bubble). It goes back to normal if you hover your mouse over it but it's still kinda bad-looking. I'll have to check them over later.


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