The First Descendant - P.304, Event Login 30th Day, ETA-0, Web-Event Login, Dailies

Описание к видео The First Descendant - P.304, Event Login 30th Day, ETA-0, Web-Event Login, Dailies

Solo, Pug when needed, Free-to-Play. Summary; cleared some Event Dailies and Battle Pass' Daily Challenges by clearing different types of Missions, exchanged some rewards from ETA-0 and also 100% Invasions.

Finished and started some research, visited ETA-0 and exchanged rewards (notably 4x Storage Slots and 2x Equipment Slots, thanks game! Also purchased Bunny's Flamekeeper, shown ~3:32). Noticed that there's a Journal Award done; apparently it's the 30x " Exchange Intercept Battle Rewards" (shown ~9:04), though the "Exchange Supplies at ETA-0" tracked correctly (currently purchased 3x Intercept Battle Rewards) so not sure if it's bug or what. Then dismantled some Modules.

Decided to clear some Hard Outposts so Ultimate Sharen infiltrates one in Vespers Lost Supply Depot, then realises that we've done with Vespers (on Week 3 Battle Pass) so went to Agna Desert Storage instead until I obtained some 091-Variant-ACs (took about 10 minutes here). Then went back to Albion and enhanced a Purple Reactor, Ult Sharen solos a Hard Void Vessel, then Ult Viessa solos 2x Infernal Walkers (at this point, all Event Dailies done), then a short trip to Fortress to obtaine some Hellions, then game crashed while teleporting back to Albion (~52:10).

Logged-in to Anais' Winter Festival Web Event, claimed the rest of the Gifts from the Holiday Calendar and also from the Co-op Goals Event, relogged into the game and decided to research some Wave of Light and Perforators materials (also cancelled the Precise Ion Accelerator research to make room for said researches). Ult Sharen proceeds to solo some 400% The Haven; first one to clear some Daily Challenges and second one to complete the 2x Infiltration Mission Dailies and also for "timekeeping", with a 7m 53s clear time using my Ambushed build (Result Screen ~1:22:13).

Then Ult Sharen solo clears 2x Invasion: The Haven (chill clears although slower), then Ult Bunny solo clears 2x Invasion: Slumber Valley also to test my current High-Voltage Damage build (not the best attempts but a 1m 48s clear time for the 2nd run, Result Screen ~1:37:56). Lastly rechecked some Storage and ETA-0 stuffs.

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