La mia esperienza al GCI Championship Series Vol. 4 + Deck Profile - Yu-Gi-Oh! Goat Format

Описание к видео La mia esperienza al GCI Championship Series Vol. 4 + Deck Profile - Yu-Gi-Oh! Goat Format

In questo video vi racconto in breve la mia esperienza al GCI Championship Series Vol.4, vi racconterò quali deck ho trovato, che cosa mi aspettavo e spiegherò le strategie che ho utilizzato, inoltre, ovviamente vi mostrerò la mia Deck Profile con cui mi sono trovato veramente molto bene chiudendo il torneo 5-3, peccato per la top ma l'importante è divertirsi e io mi sono divertito veramente molto!
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-Se vuoi offrirmi un caffè ☕
​Hai un dubbio o una domanda riguardo il formato? Stai cercando delle carte in particolare ma non le trovi? Mandami un messaggio su instagram/facebook o contattami tramite email, farò il possibile per aiutarti

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In this video I will briefly tell you about my experience at the GCI Championship Series Vol. 4, I will tell you which decks I found, what I expected and I will explain the strategies I used, in addition, of course I will show you my Deck Profile with which I am I found it really very well by closing the tournament 5-3, too bad for the top but the important thing is to have fun and I really enjoyed it!
If you haven't already, remember to subscribe to the channel and activate the bell 🔔 to never miss any content 🐐
Join our community too! press the link below and you will have access to our Discord Server, to the Instagram and Facebook page and to all the other contents!

-If you want to offer me a coffee ☕
Do you have a doubt or question about the format? Are you looking for specific cards but can't find them? Send me a message on instagram / facebook or contact me by email, I will do my best to help you

Do you want to contact me for more information or collaborations? Send an email to [email protected]

#yugioh #goatformat #yugiohfan


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