10 Most Beautiful Turacos In The World

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10 of the most beautiful turacos / turaco birds / birds / bird in the world.

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Turacos are a fairly common African bird and are part of the Musophagidae family.
They range across equatorial Africa, and can be found in a variety of sizes and colors.
Most of them are medium size, ranging from about 16-30 inches, while their colors vary from blue, green to purple.
They typically have brilliantly colored red flight feathers or bright red markings around the eyes and the crest of the head.
As feathers have traditionally been used as a status symbol for native African tribe leaders, stay with us as we are counting down the 10 of the most beautiful turacos / exotic birds / birds / bird / turaco in the world.
These turacos / turaco birds / birds / bird /exotic birds are including purple crested turaco / purple-crested turaco, white cheeked turaco / white-cheeked turaco, great blue turaco, violet turaco, white crested turaco / white-crested turaco, red crested turaco / red-crested turaco, Schalow's turaco, Lady Ross's turaco, white bllied go away bird / white-bellied go-away-bird, and Fischer's turaco.

   • Purple-crested Turacos  
YouTube: Roger Stringer

   • Purple-crested Turaco Soundscape  
YouTube: Jay Knight

   • White-cheeked turaco (Spissnebb)  
YouTube: Spissnebb

   • Touraco à joues blanches" Tauraco leu...  
YouTube: Envies Animales

   • White Cheek Turaco  
YouTube: hack4100

   • Tamme Toerako  
YouTube: aysem1967

   • Great Blue Turaco  
YouTube: dsflores

   • 91 01 Great Blue Turaco  
YouTube: babyleon

   • Great Blue Turaco  
YouTube: groenelantaarn

   • Violaceous Turaco - Violet Turaco - E...  
YouTube: Paul Dinning

   • Violet Turaco  
YouTube: Paul Hindess

   • Violet Turaco  
YouTube: obirds

   • Colorful Violaceous Turaco - LA Zoo A...  
YouTube: JCMDIweirdStuff

   • White Crested Turaco - Exotic Birds  
YouTube: Paul Dinning

   • White-crested Turaco  
YouTube: obirds

   • Witkuiftoerako / White-crested turaco...  
YouTube: Gilles Delhaye

   • Red-crested Turaco- Beautiful bird  
YouTube: Josie Zhang

   • Red-Crested Turaco at Bird Kingdom Ni...  
YouTube: Backyard Birdlady

   • Red-crested Turaco at Brevard Zoo  
YouTube: Lee D

   • Schalow's Turaco  
YouTube: groenelantaarn

   • Il Turaco - 4 Puntata  
YouTube: Andrea Messina

   • Ross's Turaco  
YouTube: obirds

   • Violet Turaco-Cincinnati Zoo  
YouTube: The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden

   • White-bellied Go-away-bird♂  
YouTube: obirds

   • White-bellied Go-away-bird  
YouTube: สุภาพร เทียมวงศ์

   • A beautiful bird. White-bellied Go-aw...  
YouTube: Cute Animal Channel

   • fischer's turaco  
YouTube: groenelantaarn

   • Rwenzori Turaco  
YouTube: Eyes of the World Films

   • Turaco verde  
YouTube: Aviario Nacional de Colombia

Luke Seitz

   • フィッシャーエボシドリ Fischer's turaco 2018 0502  
YouTube: 蛟みずち

   • 看板にとまる フィッシャーエボシドリ Fischer's turaco 2...  
YouTube: 蛟みずち

Henry der Mops

  / 504543964498182604  
Chris Petersen

Music: Sweet Nightingale by Michael Tedstone / Maryann Tedstone / Glenn Sharp / Ling Peng

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