Review of Cobb Premier+ Charcoal Barbecue

Описание к видео Review of Cobb Premier+ Charcoal Barbecue

Growing up my father would often do a family barbecue night in the backyard using his charcoal grill. The barbecue would be right by the table and we would eat as the different meats finished cooking, which usually amounted to hours of eating. This tradition brings back these wonderful memories of my childhood so when COBB Premiere+ asked if I wanted to try their charcoal table top grill, I did not hesitate.

For more recipes you can do using a charcoal grill, check out my blog post:

Ever since moving out of my parents house, I have avoided charcoal barbecuing and opted for gas grilling because it is quicker and easier (so I thought). I thought starting a charcoal grill was a skill beyond my reach and I couldn’t call my father or brothers over every time I wanted to barbecue.

Once I received my Cobb Premier+ Charcoal Barbecue, I realized how easy it is to get the charcoal ready for barbecuing. A little fire starter and 8-10 briquettes or lump charcoal pieces and I was ready to get started! I let the coals burn for 25-30 minutes until they were grey in colour, just like the manual said, and then I put the grill pan on top of the charcoal to allow it to heat up. I put the dome cover back in it’s place and gave the grill 5-8 minutes to heat. That’s it! A few simple steps and I am ready to grill. The coals should remain hot for about 2 hours so I usually cook about 3-4 items to maximize the charcoal barbecuing time.

The only downfall is the time it takes to heat up the coals for barbecuing. Charcoal grilling is not something you should be doing on a day when you are in a rush. You need a little extra time to set it up in comparison to a gas barbecue but once you taste the difference you will realize the extra time to heat the charcoal is well worth it.

The fun of this table top grill is that you can set it up, invite friends over and keep the food (and cocktails) coming for hours! The grill sits nicely on a table and is not hot to the touch so you can carefully move it wherever you need it to be. Also, once the coals are at temperature, there is very little smoke emitted from the grill so it will not offend you and your guests while you’re eating.

I used it at a barbecue with friends recently and I really like the size and design of the Cobb Premier + Charcoal Barbecue. It comes with tons of accessories which I haven’t tried yet, such as: a fry pan, pizza stone, roasting rack, griddle pan, bread baking pan and even a carrying case and a cutting board for preparation.

I highly recommend this charcoal barbecue for those of you who like to entertain, for picnics, for the beach, for camping, or for any other person with a reason to cook outdoors. I am really excited to take my Cobb Premier+ Charcoal Barbecue to the beach! Here is their website so you can read more about it:

I hope you enjoyed these charcoal barbecue ideas & recipes to make your summer awesome!

With Love,


*This post is sponsored by Cobb Premier+ Charcoal Barbecue, however, all opinions are my own.on my blog) and I cooked pork skewers, chicken wings, salmon, asparagus and a fresh mango salsa.

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