How To Grow Seeds Rambutan | Cara Semai Biji Rambutan

Описание к видео How To Grow Seeds Rambutan | Cara Semai Biji Rambutan

If you're lucky enough to live in an area where exotic fruits are abundant and easy to grow, then you're probably familiar with the rambutan fruit. If not, let us give you a little crash course!

The rambutan fruit, nephelium lappaceum, is an exotic fruit that is highly prized in Southeast Asia, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, and the Philippines. It looks like a spiky/hairy lychee fruit, and also tastes like one in the sense that it is a little bit sweet and a little bit sour.

The fruit, or berry, is oval shaped and contains a single seed. The outer appearance of the rambutan is orange/reddish with fleshy spines. Today you'll be learning how to grow rambutan and where exactly you can grow it!

As you may expect, it's not everywhere!

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