Creativity Brought My Spirit Back To Life: Interview With Famous Artist Ross Muir

Описание к видео Creativity Brought My Spirit Back To Life: Interview With Famous Artist Ross Muir

World famous artist Ross Muir is the special guest on this week's episode of Yourevolution.

Yourevolution hosts Alan Wilson and Marc McLean have been friends with Ross since childhood, growing up in the same neighbourhood in West Dunbartonshire, and attending the same school.

Ross' meteoric rise in the art world has been incredible over the last few years. He has a huge army of fans including famous actors and sports icons such as Lionel Messi and John McEnroe.

But it was a completely different story for Ross a decade earlier....

He was hooked on heroin, involved in crime, and had seemingly no hope for the future.

Ross shares how creativity gave him hope and tells all about turning his life around through painting.

** For more information on Ross and to buy his artwork, visit:

** Follow Yourevolution on Instagram: @yourevolution2


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