Pilot for 47 years!

Описание к видео Pilot for 47 years!

Mirjana Fritsche


I started with aviation when I was 16 years old, as a parachutist and glider pilot. I attended Zagreb University, where I completed my aeronautical engineering degree and obtained my commercial pilot license. I flew with a women's aerobatic team and attended reserve officer school in Zadar. Due to a lack of job opportunities for young female pilots in my country, I moved to the USA and worked as a flight instructor. I also conducted ferry flights with single-engine and light twin aircraft across the Atlantic Ocean. The longest flight I undertook was 17 hours non-stop, without autopilot or GPS, alone in a Piper Warrior from Newfoundland to Liverpool, UK. I also taught other pilots how to prepare for such trips.
In 1989, I got my first job flying cargo on Fokker 27 and Embraer 110 aircraft. In 1995, I joined Crossair and Swiss, flying passenger flights on the European network. In 2004, after completing a test pilot course and studying human factors, I did my apprenticeship at Airbus in Toulouse, working on the evaluation and certification of new technologies on the flight deck of the A380. It was during this time that I had the unforgettable experience of meeting you and many other wonderful people!
Later on, I flew cargo again, served as a production flight test pilot at Bombardier on the CRJ, and worked on the development of the A220. I flew cargo in Africa, passengers for Air Mauritius, and flew with Fly BMI in the UK. My last job was flying with LOT in Poland. Looking back, I am happy to remember all the wonderful times, the airplanes I flew, and the amazing people I met along the way.
Mirjana Fritsche


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