Parts Of A Flowers And Their Functions for kids

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Parts of a Flower :
Most flowers have four main parts:
1. Sepals
2. Petals
3. Stamens
4. Carpels.

The stamens are the male part whereas the carpels are the female part of the flower.
Functions of different parts of a flower:
1. Sepals :
The sepals are the first part of a flower to grow. They form at the uppermost end of a stem.
The sepal creates a bud around the emerging flower, and its key function is to protect the flower as it grows. Once the flower emerges, sepals form the outermost whorl of the flower. Collectively, sepals are known as the calyx.

2. Petals
This layer of petals lies just above the sepal layer. Their major function is to draw pollinators like bees and butterflies to the flower. It is for this reason that they are often brightly colored and have interesting patterns and sizes.
They compete with other flowers to attract pollinators to themselves. The petals are collectively known as the corolla.

3. Stamens

They are the male parts of a flower. Every stamen has two parts – filament and anther.

The filament is the long cylindrical tendril part of the stamen, while the anther is a sac that sits at the top of the filament. The anther contains pollens that plant wants to disperse.

The function of the filament is simply to hold up the anther.
Filament tries to extend the anther so that the pollinators (insects like bees and butterflies) can reach them. Filament also makes sure that the anther is exposed to the wind so that wind can also disperse the pollen.

When a pollinator, such as an insect or a bird, touches the anther the pollen gets stick to their bodies. These birds and insects transport these pollens to other flowers they visit. This may also happen with the help of the wind.

4. Carpels
The carpel, which is also sometimes called the pistil, is the female part of a flower.
A pistil has four parts:

a) Style b) Stigma c) Ovary d) Ovules
Each of these parts plays different roles.
The above video is about different parts of a flower. In this video, two kids discuss a flower and its parts in a very simple and easy to understand language. Teachers of primary and middle school can use this video as an introduction to the flowers for their students.


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