Why Does The Moon Seem To Follow Us? | Parallax | BYJU'S Fun Facts

Описание к видео Why Does The Moon Seem To Follow Us? | Parallax | BYJU'S Fun Facts

Ever wondered as a kid, why the moon followed you everywhere? The moon, our very own natural satellite seems to keep us company wherever we go! Why does this happen? And when you are in a car, why do the trees, houses and mountains seem to move backwards as you move forward? Have you also noticed that the trees seem to move faster than the mountains? Is there a reason for all of this? In this episode of BYJU’S Fun Fact, we will discuss the Parallax effect and how it is related to the moon following us wherever we go! Watch this video and comment on your experiences below!

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Video Chapters
0:00 - 0:37 Introduction
0:38 - 3:29 Why is it that the trees seem to move faster than the mountains
3:30 - 5:02 Why does the moon seem to follow me

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#twodifferentlinesofsight #humaneyes #byjusfunfacts


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