Wyatt Russell: Meet the New Captain America Facing All the Criticism

Описание к видео Wyatt Russell: Meet the New Captain America Facing All the Criticism

Wyatt Russell is the new Captain America and has faced an onslaught of criticism since appearing in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. But is the criticism fair?

We sat down with Wyatt, son of legendary actors Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn, to talk about embracing the role of Captain America, the legacy Chris Evans put forth, the greatest challenge as the newest holder of Cap's shield and more.

How do you think Wyatt is doing at the new Captain America? Is the criticism fair or not? Let us know in the comments below.

Listen to The Backstage Experience podcast with The Falcon and the Winter Soldier stars Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Wyatt Russell and Erin Kellyman!
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