Jean Klein - The ease of being. Full Audiobook.

Описание к видео Jean Klein - The ease of being. Full Audiobook.

"These books by Jean Klein are astonishing. He speaks from the "non-state" (stateless state) of sahaja in a unique way that both encourages investigation via meditation and undermines it. I cannot recommend these books highly enough. Pure gold."
Quote from Ramaji, the author of the book "Who Am I? A Guide for the West to Self-Inquiry and Self-Realization in the Tradition of Sri Ramana Maharshi".

Jean Klein, a Master in the tradition of Ramana Maharshi and Atmananda Krishna Menon and author of many books on Non Duality spent several years in India, in 1955 the truth of non-dualism became his living reality.
I have read a number of Books, but none with such deep insights and explanations of our true nature as Jean Klein's books.


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