BATTERY WARNING LIGHT {on dashboard}🚨: Meaning & Explanation – What causes battery light come on?🚘

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BATTERY WARNING LIGHT ON DASHBOARD in CAR:⏩What causes this indicator light to come on while driving? What to do when battery light is on but alternator is charging (is operated)?

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#batterywarninglight #warninglight #carbattery

00:00 Troubleshooting battery light
03:46 Bad Battery
04:34 Bad Alternator
05:10 Bad Alternator Belt
05:41 Corroded Battery Terminals
06:24 Loose Battery Cable
06:58 Bad Battery Cable
07:16 Bad Ground Strap
07:48 Faulty Wiring
08:18 Too Many Accessories in Use
08:52 What To Do If the Battery Light is On?

✅Can you drive your car with the battery light on?
Driving with your Battery Light on is not a good idea. If the battery is bad, the alternator is faulty, or the wiring is bad, these can cause the vehicle to lose power and not operate like it normally would. The battery powers essential parts of your car, so it is a must have piece of equipment.

✅How long does a car battery last after the light comes on?
The exact amount of time that your car will be able to function with the battery light on depends on many factors, but assuming that the alternator is the issue (this is the most common issue) it is likely that your car will lose battery power after 30 minutes to an hour of driving.

✅What to do if battery light comes on while driving?
If the battery light comes on while the engine is running and the vehicle is being driven, this indicates a problem with the charging system. Step 1: Turn off everything that draws power. If the battery light is on, then there is still enough battery left to power the vehicle but possibly not for very long.

✅What does red battery light mean?
The battery is charged by the alternator when you are driving. It's when this system is not working correctly that the red battery light on your dashboard will light up to alert you to the problem.

✅What are the signs of a bad alternator?
6 Symptoms of a Failing Alternator:
👉The indicator light.
👉Headlights are dim or flickering.
👉Other electrical failures.
👉Strange noises.
👉Car stalls or has difficulty starting.
👉Battery dies.

✅How can you tell if its the battery or alternator?
If the engine starts but dies immediately, your alternator probably isn't keeping your battery charged. If a jump starts and keeps your car running, but the car can't start again off of its own power, a dead battery is likely your answer.


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