Amiga Longplay Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Описание к видео Amiga Longplay Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Played by Ironclaw


Really a great game this is. I think it's the funniest game on the Amiga. I more or less rushed through the game skipping 90% of all the funny talking and scenes; like the telephone on a tree in the jungle where you could call LucasArts help line and ask for hints, where babies comes from and stuff.... soooo much fun stuff in this game. So if you like adventure games, you should play this to see all the cool and fun stuff I skipped.

The Amiga version is very quiet and kind of stiff. 50% or so of all the music in the PC version didn't make it to the Amiga version... and most of the backs has no animations what so ever... Still a great game though :) (The music in MI1 is way better too). -
Disclaimer: Most videos by World of Longplays use SaveStates!


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