"En el Corazón" by Api Ascaso | www.terravibra.com

Описание к видео "En el Corazón" by Api Ascaso | www.terravibra.com

I would like to tell you that all that is real is hidden inside the heart.
That it can't barely be touched, it can't barely be recited.

That it hides in the clouds and in dreams.
That it's felt in the sensations all over the body,
but it cannot be captured, like a sea wave.

I would like to tell you that all that is real is hidden inside the heart.
That it can't barely be touched, it can't barely be recited.

That it goes away when you try to explain it.
That it seems absurd when you try to name it.
That it's immense and unthinkable, so precious that it's difficult to believe.

Lyrics by poet & magician Mauricio Sol @mauricio_sol_

Music composed by Api Ascaso
Garwyn Linnell, cello; @garwynlinnell
Dave Shaw, viola; @david.edwood
Api Ascaso, vocals & percussion; @api_terravibra

Recorded by @0mniofficial at University West London Studios
Produced and mastered by Stephan Honc, @perkeltmusic
With the support of No Easy Action Records @n.e.a_records

Photo by Omer Salom; @omersalom

☀️Available in most platforms☀️

Siempre siempre siempre 🙏🏽 GRACIAS 🙏🏽


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