The Magnus Archives Animation - Checking Out

Описание к видео The Magnus Archives Animation - Checking Out

GOD FUCKING DAMN a full year since i drew the storyboard for this thing. Im so glad its done bc im really not too happy with how some of it turned out LOL you can really see the difference in age between the first shot (very first shot i finished) and the last shot (very last shot i finished) ... i guess im proud of some parts of this, at the very least its a milestone for me to finish a long animation, fully animated, background, color and shading, editing, like this. i havent done anything like this before and i think it does show, but at least ive got the experience now and i can apply it to any similar future stuff.
Also, im sorry for cutting it off so suddenly at the end, my motivation just tapered and the only way i was gonna get this any kind of polished was by cutting the final scene i planned. oops :(
anyway, i hope you all enjoy! while im not really into tma any more these characters r always gonna have a place in my heart n i hope current and past fans can enjoy this equally!


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