DBFZ Blue Goku Mix and Pressure Guide

Описание к видео DBFZ Blue Goku Mix and Pressure Guide

Frame data: 5L = -3, 2L = -4, 5M = -8, 4M = -2, 5H = -8 (Max range = -3), 5LL = -6, 2M = -10 (Max range = -3), 236L M and H = -5, 5LLL = -5, 214L and H (Follow up) = -5
0:00 Block strings: If the opponent blocks you can do 2M - 5M corner to corner
Ending block strings with 214L or 236L after 2H leaves you -2 meaning you back dash 5L. Also opens RPS mind games. ie. Will you back dash or mash 4L? Will the opponent dash to call out your back dash or will he mash 5L?
214M and 236M are built in frame traps and smoke 2H with same frame data on block as 214L and 236L.
0:28 EX Dive Mix: Super jump float makes this mix quite potent. You don't want the opponent to be able to 2H you. You also don't mix to hit them to early, otherwise they will autoblock since they are in assist block stun.
1:11 Tick throw setups: Blue Goku can set up his 214L from nearly anything. The exception is 5LL, but he has OS options there. Most of these setups require a micro dash at the start.
2:08 Teleport usage: You can use a meaty teleport after LvL3 in the corner to lock down or if they jump out of your 2M - 5M string, you can teleport than follow up with H and it will smoke 2H, then you can bait DP or reflect.
2:27 5LL OS: After 5LL you have a couple options. You can frame trap with 2M, 5LLL for overhead, EX grab, or slight delay into EX shoulder. You can also frame trap into 5LL from 4L. If the 5LL hits you can jIAD S and then 2M and its a frame trap.
2:55 Mix extended from assists plus layers: After assist call, you can jIAD cross up S into high, low or dash. You can also fake cross up with TK EX Dive.
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