mainspring compressor update #4, The magical plastic electrical conduit mainspring compressor (ECMC)

Описание к видео mainspring compressor update #4, The magical plastic electrical conduit mainspring compressor (ECMC)

Greetings all,

Just when you think you covered everything that needs to be covered, one of your subscribers sends you something new and you realize you're not done yet. This is the case of the really cheap, very effective and easy to make Electrical Conduit Mainspring Compressor (ECMC).

There are some caveats with particular tool in that it works very well with the current production small frame Daisy's like the 1938B Red Ryder, the 105B Buck, the Model 1999 and if you can find one the Model 10. Since the bulk of the Daisy's in active service belong in this group, you ought to make one of these tools to assist in your maintenance and modding efforts, especially if you don't yet have a bench vise.

The dimensions are very simple, a 10-12" long piece of 3/4" outside diameter/ 1/2" inside diameter gray plastic electrical conduit from your local big box store makes the bulk of the tool. The drawback is that this stuff is sold in 10' lengths but at $6 bucks and change it's a financial deal and potential logistics nightmare to transport but it will bend quite a bit. Once you get your conduit home, chop off a 12" section and make two cuts in one end that are 2" long and leave two fingers about 1/2" wide. That's the basic tool.

There's some filing fiddly bits that have to be done to the two probes, but it's all pretty self evident work and after a few test fits you'll have a functional tool.

Thanks for watching and keep on moddin'!
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