Epson P5300 printer review [P5370] 17" pigment ink pro level printer, with roll and sheet paper

Описание к видео Epson P5300 printer review [P5370] 17" pigment ink pro level printer, with roll and sheet paper

Review of the P5300/P5370/P5360 heavy duty 17" printer from Epson. Epson's new high end photo/art printer has 10 pigment inks, 200ml carts, roll paper [with cutter] Sheet paper cassette holds up to 17"x22" and A2 paper.

There are over 20 additional videos looking at specific aspects of the P5300 printer, from set-up to comparisons with the P500 and P900

This review accompanies the detailed written review of the P5300/5370

The P5300 [Epson P5370 in the US] was here for me to produce a detailed review, which covers all aspects of using the printer as well as comparing it with the 17" P900 and P5000 printers. There are numerous P5300 related videos looking at aspects of using the P5300 - all listed in the main written review.

Buy a P5300 form B&H

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