9 Steadyrack installation with only 10.5" spacing. Easy for kids to use bike rack!

Описание к видео 9 Steadyrack installation with only 10.5" spacing. Easy for kids to use bike rack!

My installation of the Steadyrack vertical wall racks is much closer spaced than anyone else I've seen mount them. Bike storage for an entire family can be really challenging, and so this is how I've managed to cram in as many bikes per linear feet of wall space as possible. I have a mix of Steadyrack's fender racks and mountain bike racks, and they work well for our adult and kids bikes: downhill, enduro, cyclocross, and hybrid, from 20" to 27.5" wheels.

This video covers the tradeoffs and considerations if you want to space each Steadyrack much less than recommended. It also showcases how easy it is to use the bikes, even by little kids! Hoping this helps spark some ideas of how you can optimize your installation in your garage, workshop, apartment, etc. Please like and subscribe, and be sure to comment to share your bike storage experiences. Cheers!

The kids:
BP 10 years old, riding a 26" Spawn Rokk (his 24" MEC Ace Ltd hardtail can also be seen in the video)
Emmy 8 years old, riding a 20" Spawn Rokkusuta (his 20" Spawn Savage 2.0 hardtail can also be seen in the video)

#bikestorage #bikerack


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