David Letterman on CNN's Larry King Live (5/23/1996)

Описание к видео David Letterman on CNN's Larry King Live (5/23/1996)

CNN's Larry King interviews David Letterman on May 23, 1996. This video picks up about 1 minute into the show. Here's the dialogue you missed:

ANNOUNCER: From New York, we've named a pigeon after you. It's the Late Show with David Letterman.

KING: Wait a minute. It's not that late, but we do have the star of the Late Show. Yes, David Letterman is ahead on Larry
King Live.

ANNOUNCER: Now live from New York, here's Larry King.

KING: He's here, folks.

LETTERMAN: One of those legendary Larry King fits. You get to see it here live.

KING: I don't get fits. Okay, this is our Superweek. We had the 60 Minutes crew last night, Hillary Clinton on Monday night, Friday night Barbara Walters, Saturday night Reverend Graham.

LETTERMAN: How do I fit into Superweek exactly?

KING: You are a Superstar.

LETTERMAN: God bless you, Larry.

KING: We have declared you a Superstar.

LETTERMAN: Thank you. I appreciate that.

KING: And you are the most --

LETTERMAN: It's a good thing we're not under oath here right now.

KING: You are the most --

LETTERMAN: I am. I happen to be the most powerful man in American broadcasting.

KING: And you deserve it.

LETTERMAN: Thank you very much, Larry.

KING: The accolades that come your way.

LETTERMAN: Thank you, Larry.

KING: Now I'm ticked.

LETTERMAN: What's the matter?


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