An essential ingredient for success that everyone forgets | Ryosuke Koike | TEDxAnjo

Описание к видео An essential ingredient for success that everyone forgets | Ryosuke Koike | TEDxAnjo

Ryosuke Koike, a Japanese standup comedian, performing on the New York stage, had no intention of becoming a comedian. His English is not good, and he has no talent for laughter. What guided him was an element that everyone had. He also says that there is an exception to this rule. What is it? Please enjoy his talk.



小池 良介(こいけ りょうすけ)| スタンダップ・コメディアン
1967年愛知県西尾市生まれ。関西大学社会学部在学中に全日本学生ダンス選手権で準優勝。卒業後プロダンサーになり、1996年にさらなる活躍の場を求めて渡米。カリフォルニアダンスオープンで準優勝するもその後挫折し帰国。しかし夢を諦めきれずに1998年に再渡米し、コメディアンの道に。2003年にNBC主催「Last Comic Standing」で全米TOP20に選出され、ブロードウェー・コメディークラブの常連とし活躍するまでに。アメリカのトップクラスのコメディアンとして活躍中。家業のために、日本では社会保険労務士資格も有している。
Born in Nishio, Aichi, Japan in 1967. While studying sociology at Kansai University, Ryosuke Koike won the second place in All Japan Student Dance Championship. After graduating, he became a professional dancer, and in 1996 he moved to the U.S. dreaming for greater success. After winning the second place at the California Dance Open, he was discouraged and came back to Japan. But to pursue his dream, he flew to the U.S. again in 1998 and started his carrier as a comedian. In 2003, he was selected as one of the top 20 comedians in the U.S. by NBC’s “Last Comic Standing” and became a regular performer at Broadway Comedy Club. Now he is one of the top comedians in the United States. He is also a licensed social insurance consultant in Japan for his family buisiness. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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