Home Buyers Beware - Should you take your agents advice?

Описание к видео Home Buyers Beware - Should you take your agents advice?

Most people are not aware what goes on in the real estate industry. There are a lot of legalized kickbacks that happen way too often. What happens is a mortgage company or a title company will pay an agent or a team of agents through a "marketing agreement" to help pay for some of their advertising. They may even "rent" a space in the agents office. I have seen agents take insane amounts of money every month and then "steer" their clients right back to the companies who are paying them. This is a kick back and is a HUGE problem in our real estate industry and should be looked at by lawmakers. Just because they put it on a form and say they "have a relationship" with "XYZ" mortgage or XYZ title company shouldn't suffice. They should have to state HOW MUCH MONEY THEY ACTUALLY GET PAID TO BE FULLY TRANSPARENT! This is wrong and is NOT in the best interest of the consumer!


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