ECG Basics - 12-Lead ECG | Leads and Electrodes | Limb and Chest (Precordial) Leads

Описание к видео ECG Basics - 12-Lead ECG | Leads and Electrodes | Limb and Chest (Precordial) Leads

This video explains the concept of a 12-Lead ECG. It describes the difference between a Lead and an Electrode.

An Electrode is a piece of equipment, like a suction cup, that is placed on the surface of the body for receiving electrical signals.

A Lead is a graphical picture of the heart. It may be obtained from one or more electrodes at a time.

ECG Leads include 6 Limb Leads and 6 Chest Leads. If we get ECG using only Limb Leads, we call it "Standard ECG".

If we get ECG using Limb Leads and Chest Leads, we call it "12-Lead ECG". Chest Leads are also called Precordial Leads as they are attached to the Precordial Region.

4 Electrodes are placed on 4 Limbs for getting 6 Limb Leads. Electrodes are either labelled or colour-coded. Right Arm Electrode is Red. Left Arm Electrode is Yellow. Left Leg Electrode is Green. Right Leg Electrode is Black. These colours can be remembered by the mnemonic "Read Your Good Book". Black Electrode is Neutral Electrode used for grounding purpose. Limb Leads see heart in Vertical Plane/Coronal Plane.

Lead 1, Lead 2 and Lead 3 are called Bipolar Limb Leads as they catch electrical signals from two electrodes simultaneously. Lead aVR, aVL and aVF are called Unipolar Limb Leads as they catch electrical signals from a single electrode at a time. "a" stands for "augmented". R, L and F stands for Right, Left and Foot.

6 Chest Leads are placed on the precordial region in 4th and 5th Intercostal Spaces. These see the heart in Cross Sectional/Horizontal Plane. V1, V2 see right side of the heart. V3, V4 see Interventricular Septum. V5, V6 see left side of the heart.
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