Christian Profiles (Part 3): Cowper, Depression, and Hope

Описание к видео Christian Profiles (Part 3): Cowper, Depression, and Hope

In our Christian Profiles series, today we will look at William Cowper--an 18th-century poet and hymn-writer, who also struggled with mental illness. In fact, I feel I need to issue a warning with this video:

WARNING: In this video, I try to take on the persona of William Cowper and present his life-long struggles against depression, which may make it too intense or mature a topic for young children. Keep that in mind, parents.

Discussion or meditation questions:

1. In this video, I argue that struggling to hope does not rule out true faith. Do you agree? Why can a person have true faith and yet also may not be able to find hope?

2. What are the differences between biblical hope and the way we use the word "hope" in our culture today?

3. Why is our hope not dependent on our feeling it but on Jesus' work of salvation? How is that good news for someone who struggles with depression and finding hope?

4. Have you or do you struggle with depression? Are you afraid to tell others that? Why? Has there been a person in your life who has been your "Hopeful" like John Newton was for Cowper?

5. How does faith and hope help us "judge not the Lord by feeble sense" as Cowper says in the hymn "God Moves in a Mysterious way"? Why must we remember that "blind unbelief is sure to err and scan His work in vain"?

For further study of William Cowper, I recommend:
His memoirs (
His collected poems (
Gilbert Thomas' biography (
The above biography is hard to find cheaply, so I would also recommend John Piper's short work on Cowper, Bunyan, and Brainerd (


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