ISSCC2020: Plenary - Future Scaling: Where Systems and Technology Meet

Описание к видео ISSCC2020: Plenary - Future Scaling: Where Systems and Technology Meet

Nadine Collaert, imec, Leuven, Belgium

In a smart society where everything will be connected, an avalanche of data is coming toward us, with numbers going to several hundreds of zettabytes per year by 2025. This data will need to be sent around, stored, computed and analyzed. At the heart of it all will be innovations at the technology and system level. With Moore’s law under pressure, a rethinking of what the semiconductor industry calls scaling will be needed.

In this work, we will show the strong push to technology diversification, blending different technologies together to achieve benefits at the system level. This brings the interaction of technology and design to the next level: System-Technology co-optimization (STCO), with 3D technologies taking a central stage. Furthermore, the growing demand for storage will put an increasing pressure on the memory hierarchy where emerging concepts like MRAM, FeFET.... have the potential to bring new speed and capacity benefits. Next to that, memories like e.g. RRAM are getting a lot of traction for analog in-memory computing to enable energy efficient machine learning at the IoT edge. Finally, we will also briefly review the status of quantum computing, these days gaining a lot of interest as a path to ultra-powerful computing.


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