"Die Wacht am Rhein" in Five Languages

Описание к видео "Die Wacht am Rhein" in Five Languages

There is no reason to support extremist or totalitarian groups. This video is not a glorification of a group or belief.
This channel does not condone any political
messages that could be perceived in any video.
My intent is not to spread hate speech.
But to provide resources to historical songs.
And to provide them in the purest of forms.

Okay, apparently I'm a dingus and the lyrics to the Japanese version can be found in the Dr. Ludwig version so go check it out for them:    • Die Wacht am Rhein [Patriotic anthem]...  

I cannot guarantee the lyrics are 100% accurate and I had to tinker a bit with the French and Russian.

Die Wacht Am Rhein: 0:07
The Watch On The Rhine: 3:30
L'Internationale Noire: 6:36
Страж на Рейне: 9:23
Die Wacht Am Rhein (Japanese): 13:20

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Some other servers and channels you should check out if you like history or these kinds of videos:
Nova Brabantia’s History Server: https://discord.gg/s8HQGkGQpb
Comrade Boris’s Server: https://discord.gg/cZ9tsa6s6Y
Melakabahl and Just David’s Discord Server: https://discord.gg/hxfBNy6X9k
Danjori's Discord: https://discord.gg/rBUx7kQe5E
Thunderblunderbum's Server: https://discord.gg/pWYGDVkN
   / @novabrabantia   (Great for rare songs)
   / @aahotepre3  
   / @cortexradio  
   / @comradeboris_17  
   / @scryl  
   / @itsjustdavid8  
   / @melakaproductions5  
   / @salmybs  
   / @hollyjollycarl  
   / @anthemred   (Very good for rare songs)
   / @noviansean   (Their alt channel)
   / @ahas2270  
   / @roedagardet  
   / @niemandisch  
   / @kingofkings-qb5hb  
   / @heyneyn  
   / @danjori  


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