Doom - Doomworld Forum Adventures! (dwforums.wad 2003)

Описание к видео Doom - Doomworld Forum Adventures! (dwforums.wad 2003)

Doom wad name: "Doomworld Forum Adventures!"
Wad/File: dwforums.wad
Game/Base iwad: Doom II / Zdoom
Date: 02/03/03
Author: Anonymous
Description: It's a small, underdetailed map about the dream of a newbie. Work your way up the ladder to become ruler of Doomworld! It's a DOOM map centered around comedy, just in case you're a bit slow. Credits: id for Doom, Randy for ZDOOM, blah blah blah. Oh and the people on the DW forums for being so easy to make fun of :P (A)


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