Punchi Dabadiwa Rathgaga Rathnapura With English Subtitles

Описание к видео Punchi Dabadiwa Rathgaga Rathnapura With English Subtitles

1. From Ratnapura, coming to Malwala road on Siripagama Road, turn right and travel to Galabada Junction on Vewellatta Road and after eight kilometers on the road on the left, you can reach the Little Dambadiva Temple.

2. On April 14, 1981, His Holiness Ginamale Chandaloka Thera, who visited the river Rath Ganga on April 14, 1981, built a hut made of thatched roofs with the help of the surrounding villagers.
The first meritorious act was done in 1981 on the day of Vesak month
3. The primary purpose of building this temple was to provide an opportunity to see and worship the shrines due to the difficulty of seeing and worshiping the shrines in Dambadiva.
4. By now, most of its shrines have been completed and many more shrines are under construction


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