華子粞:我的前夫是現實版“安嘉和” My ex-husband is the real version of "An Jiahe"

Описание к видео 華子粞:我的前夫是現實版“安嘉和” My ex-husband is the real version of "An Jiahe"

在華子粞老家習俗裡,30歲已經到了女孩應該結婚的年齡。 一位看似非常合適的男人的出現,讓她不由自主地憧憬婚姻。 在和這位“完美”男人相處的過程中,各種跡象都透露著不對勁,但她還是在掉入了愛情的“陷阱”裡,越陷越深......
第690位講述者,華子粞 ,自媒體從業者

According to the customs of Hua Zixi’s hometown, 30 years old is the age when girls should get married. The appearance of a seemingly very suitable man made her yearn for marriage involuntarily. In the process of getting along with this "perfect" man, all kinds of signs revealed that something was wrong, but she still fell into the "trap" of love, getting deeper and deeper...
"Love Too Much" Series - Liangzi Interview
The 690th narrator, Hua Zixi, self-media practitioner|LiangziChannel
#爱情 #婚姻 #渣男 #欺骗


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